

A versatile molding designed for finishing perimeter edges of RELINE or RELINEPRO wall and ceiling panels. This trim can alternatively be used to create custom corners in cases where angle is +90° and can also be butted together at 180° as an alternative option to H trim.


  • Top/bottom of walls and ceiling perimeter
  • Perimeter of any openings
  • Any inside corners
  • To create various inside angles and transitions


The F-Trim is designed to be used as a transitional trim between wall and ceiling surfaces where additional gap coverage is desired. This trim can serve as a finishing trim along a ceiling perimeter as an alternative option to J Trim or Crown/Base Moulding Trim.


  • Wall-to-ceiling transition
  • Ceiling perimeter finish cap

Drip Trim

The Drip Trim is designed to guide moisture away from walls and additionally serves as a finishing trim that can be installed along the bottom edge of PVC covered walls. This trim is an alternative option to using J trim to finish cap along the bottom edge of wall panels.


  • Bottom of wall finishing trim
  • Bottom of wall moisture deflection

H Trim

The H-Trim is used as a surface joiner for connecting rows of panels in cases where more than one length of RELINE panel is required for single surface coverage. This trim can be applied to long wall or ceiling surfaces as needed.


  • Transition component for long runs of panel.

2x2 Corner Angle Trim

This trim serves as a simple but versatile alternative to the friction fitted style of the rounded/sharp-edged corner trims. It can be surface mounted over top of two perpendicular panels and secured in place using either mechanical fasteners or PVC compatible adhesive.


  • Surface mounted outside corner component.

Crown/Base Moulding Trim

A two-piece finishing trim can be used as a baseboard or crown moulding. It can also be used to cover electrical and other services for a cleaner finish.


  • Top and/or bottom of walls

Inside Corner Trim

A 90° square edge profile designed to be used to as an inside corner transition trim between perpendicular surfaces. The trim is friction fitted over the edges of RELINE panels to create a distinct corner transition.


  • Wall-to-wall transition

Outside Corner Trim

A 90° square edge profile designed to be used to as an outside corner transition trim between perpendicular surfaces. The trim is friction fitted at the edges of RELINE panels to create a distinct corner transition.


  • Wall-to-wall transition
  • Wall-to-window (jamb, sill and header returns)

Corner Trim (Rounded)

A 90° rounded edge profile designed to be used universally as either an inside or outside corner transition trim between perpendicular surfaces. This trim friction fits over the edges of RELINE panels to create a soft corner transition.


  • Wall-to-wall transition
  • Wall-to-window/door (jamb, sill and header returns)

Cove Trim

The Cove Trim is designed to deflect moisture away from walls and additionally can serve as a transition trim between perpendicular surfaces. This trim provides low maintenance moisture control and can be used as an alternative option to corner trim (rounded).


  • Wall-to-wall transition
  • Wall-to-ceiling transition
  • Bottom of wall moisture deflection

Features & Benefits

Lengths Available Colours Available
12' & 16' Nuform White
Bright White
12' Tan